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Craft Hemp Flower

What is Craft Hemp Flower?

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Craft hemp flower is a new area of the hemp industry that focuses on growing the flowers (buds) of the Cannabis Sativa plant rather than growing hemp for biomass. Craft CBD hemp flower is normally grown on a much smaller scale. The idea of craft hemp flower is to take specific strains of cannabis Sativa that have been bred to have less than .3% delta-9 THC when fully flowered and grow them to their maximum organic potential. 

Organic plant food must be used to be considered craft quality. The biggest reason for the misconception that hemp can’t be smoked is because these massive farms feed their plants with synthetic, non-organic fertilizers. The synthetics may be able to pump out huge crops but the plants are not being grown as nature intended, therefore opening pandora’s box to yet unseen changes in the effects that the hemp will have on its users. For that reason we highly recommend against smoking any non-organic hemp flower. Many farms starting up at this point are growing organically but do not yet have certification. There may also be farms claiming that their flower was grown organically, when actually they may have used something non-organic. If you are unsure about the process used by a farm or company, give them a call and ask them what products they use, most will be very forthcoming, if not you may want to be wary of them. 

Choosing the best possible genetics is a highlight of craft hemp flower. There are so many different phenotypes in all of the different hemp strains out there. As more and more people begin crossing new strains of hemp we will see an explosion in the number of different hemp strains available. Craft hemp farmers strive to seek the most flavorful combined with the highest CBD potent strains available, resulting in the best hemp flower available on the market. This would also mean using absolutely no non-organic pesticides. If using organic pesticides, such as neem oil, one would have to keep an eye on how those pesticides could be present on the buds. While neem oil can be a great organic pesticide to keep bugs away during the vegetative stage of growth, we do not want it to be present on the buds that we are smoking. 

Another thing to watch out for is any mold that could be on the buds. A craft hemp flower producer will have quality control procedures throughout the harvesting and curing process that will ensure there is no mold present on the buds. This is very important because any mold on the buds when ingested or smoked would cause effects opposite to that which we are seeking. 

These are just a few of the reasons we thoroughly research the farms we partner with. Our goal is to bring you the highest quality products with complete transparency. This gives you an opportunity to make an informed decision about what you are putting into your body

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